Sunday, May 27, 2012

All the Signs are Gud

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Do NOT, under any circumstance, read this!

Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


At our last meeting, we voted to use some our discretionary funds to purchase a gift for our departing president, Sam Levinson, to demonstrate our appreciation for everything he did for the Brotherhood. We will present the gift during next week’s annual awards breakfast. The 3 biggest vote getters for a gift for Sam were: (1) cheese plate; (2) cat tray; (3) butter warmer.  I will be purchasing the gift on-line.

 Please make your final vote today because I have to get the purchase in by 4:30 p.m. in order to make the delivery deadline.


Fast Eddie.


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

What the hell is a butter warmer?



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

You don’t know what a butter warmer is?  Where were you raised?  In a barn? It’s a butter dish that has battery-powered coils in the bottom to keep the butter nice and soft for toast et al.

Fast Eddie


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

My wife got me a butter warmer once. One time, I accidentally left it on all day and when I came home there was melted butter all over my desk and a handkerchief and on the floor.  It damn near ruined a Mont Blanc pen.

 I wished I never heard of a butter warmer.




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Who keeps a butter warmer on their desk!?  That’s just insane!

Do you keep your briefcase in the refrigerator?



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

I vote for the cat plate!

(Can-do) Murray


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

It’s not a cat PLATE.  It’s a cat TRAY.  The PLATE is the cheese.

Fast Eddie.


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

What does that mean?  The PLATE is the cheese?  You mean the plate is made out of cheese? That doesn’t sound very sanitary.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


Can you please stop using my work email address for this stuff?  It’s cluttering up my inbox.  Plus, I’m only supposed to use this account for official government business and these messages are monitored.  Please use:




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Why does Jeremy even get a vote?

It’s not like he ever comes to any of the meetings.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I forgot to mention that because of a little disagreement I had with the distributor during the last Brotherhood event, I cannot use the real name of the organization or our actual credit account (which has been black-marked in the industry) to make the purchase.

We are persona non grata everywhere it seems.

I will need one of you guys to create a fake name and account to get the gift.

The Brotherhood will reimburse you.

Fast Eddie.


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

You need someone to go undercover to purchase a cheese plate?



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I hate to resurrect a sore subject, but I really do think we need a proper accounting of the so-called “discretionary” funds.  Why is it that we always seem to be in the Red and having to rely on handouts from the Sisterhood who, let’s be frank, run a very tight fiscal ship.

It’s no wonder they’re always whispering about our management.

I believe before we proceed with this purchase, there should be a very thorough examination of the books by a neutral, well schooled in the preparation of audited financial statements.




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I vote for the cat tray!

(Can-do) Murray


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

I vote for the butter warmer.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

What I want to know is, why did my suggestion of a decorative beer stein get nixed?  I went to a flea market with Sam and Trudy Levinson once, and Sam just couldn’t take his eyes off the beer steins.  It’s all he talked about for days afterwards.

If Trudy hadn’t threatened to hit him on the head with a beer stein, I think Sam would have emptied out his bank account and bought up every beer stein in the joint.

It just seems like sometimes some people ride roughshod over other people’s votes in this organization.

I vote for the decorative beer stein.




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I forgot to say that I’m not sure our charter authorizes the use of funds in this way.  I read “discretionary” to mean advancing the overall goals of the organization, and I just am not seeing it here.

 Couldn’t the funds be put to better use – say a group class in financial responsibility?




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Ok, everybody.

I created a temporary account for the purchase.

User name = Guys

Password = DOLLS



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Is the password really all upper case, like that?  It seems too short.  Can’t you throw in some numbers so that we don’t get hacked?

How about DOLLS1?




Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


Are you serious?  You think someone is going to try to hack our account for a cat tray?

Get real.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I propose that we table all further voting until we have convened a public reading of the rules.

I am uncomfortable with the way this seems to be progressing.  It has the distinct feel of something being rammed down our throats.

“Something is rotten in the state of Sweden.”



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


That’s “Denmark,” not “Sweden,” you pompous windbag.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Is it possible to switch my vote?

I’m starting to warm to the butter warmer (no pun intended).

(Can-do) Murray


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I just looked at the distributor’s website, and while we’ve been futzing around with this, the price of the cat plate jumped 14%.

It’s time to poop or get off the pot.

Fast Eddie.


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

Hey guys.  I’m just reading these emails.

Why are we getting a gift for Sam Levinson?

Didn’t we all agree that after his tenure, the state of the Brotherhood was in the worst shape it’s ever been in?  And, anyway, was the investigation into the whole petty cash controversy ever concluded?

Was nobody else troubled by the fact that rare, decorative beer steins just started showing up in Sam’s house, and he never had a rational explanation for it?

And whenever I asked him:  "Hey Sam, where'd you get all the decorative beer steins?" there was always this embarrassed silence.  Like he wanted you to change the subject real fast.

You guys never want to acknowledge the dark undercurrent in these associations.  Wake up!



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


I second that.



Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson


Well, I guess the gift is off.

I just heard from Sam Levinson who says he will not be at the annual breakfast or any other Brotherhood event again.

He is moving out west to try his hand in the flea market trade.

He wishes you all good health and Godspeed.

I guess we’ll just transfer the discretionary fund to the rainy day fund.

See you all at the breakfast!

Fast Eddie.


Subject: Brotherhood Gift for Sam Levinson

I think I’ll just purchase the butter warmer for myself.

Rick, what was the password, again?

(Can-do) Murray


Friday, May 4, 2012


Alexander the Great – Conquered half of what he and his family thought of as the known world by the age of 18 around 336 B.C.E.  Everyone who was around in 336 B.C.E. agreed that he was full of vim and vigor, and probably could have had his own cooking show if he wasn’t always so busy conquering. Half of the known world was his oyster. And though he never went to Harvard, he was home-schooled by Aristotle, who was no slouch in the Classics. 

Here is Alex relaxing in his father’s pool with
an inflatable horse.

He hasn’t been heard from much of late, and so HIYLH asks:

Where is he now?

He dead,  yo.


Shaka kaSenzangakhona  (also known as Shaka[ Zulu) was the most influential leader of the Zulu Kingdom in southern Africa in the early 1800s of the common era. He convinced a lot of the Northern Nguni people, specifically the Mtetwa Paramountcy and the Ndwandwe to stop writing disparaging remarks about each other on tree bark and skip the ridiculous lines of the Magic Kingdom in favor of the much hipper Zulu Kingdom.

Here is Shaka demonstrating a hand-held satellite dish.

Shaka hasn’t had a number in the top 40 for quite a spell, so naturally, HIYLH wants to know:

Where is he now?

He so dead.

Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great, also known as Catherine Roman Numeral Two, is considered the most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia.  Under her leadership, the serfs got a new wardrobe. The rumors of Catherine’s equine shenanigans have been wildly exaggerated, but they persist.

Here is Catherine prior to having a little work done.

When was the last time you saw Catherine on a magazine cover, such as Shape or Time Out? or even The National Enquirer? Can you remember?  We sure can’t.  So we’ve just gotta inquire:

Where is she now?

She dead, Kee-moh-sab.


Confucius, Chinese politician, teacher, editor, and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history seems to be everywhere. His followers competed successfully with many other schools during the Hundred Schools of Thought era only to be suppressed in favor of the Legalists during the Qin Dynasty. Following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin, Confucius's thoughts received official sanction from Do over the objections of Rey, who locked Me and Fah in a closet to enable So to advance in the debating semi-finals, to no avail, because Lah triumphed, anyway. Confucius’ coined his personal tagline: "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" after a friend entered him in an Ultimate Fighting competition as a gag.

Here is Confucius looking a jot stiff

That may be fitting, because when we asked:

Where is he now?

We found out:

He stone,  cold dead Mistuh Jones.


Montezuma:  Let's put it this way, you're an Aztec and you got a gripe.  You're tired of spilling to the local priest.  It's always the same old, same old:  "eat somebody's liver and call me in the morning." The neighbors party all night and day,  and you're so sleep-deprived you might just do something crazy, like use one of their heads for a soccer ball. You're getting nowhere with the local corrupt officials who are great at building pyramids to the sun and the moon, but meanwhile, try getting a street paved. When you want to get things done around here, who you gonna call?  Montezuma, that's who! He may not do windows (for one thing, there aren't any), but he does plenty of other things, and when he snaps his fingers, stuff happens.  This is the guy you need in your corner.

When Montezuma first modeled the diaper 'n cloak look, he thought it would be a huge hit.  He was wrong about that, but that's OK, he was right about other things.
Montezuma's voicemail box has been full for a few hundred years, so lately we've been wondering:

Where is he now?

He past tense,  muh man!


HIYLH: is published irregularly and fills a large void on the Internet.  Until it exploded on the scene, there was no meaningless crap on the World Wide Web.  Hasn't been heard from in some time, so somebody with nothing better to do might ask, where is it now?

Hello!  We still not dead yet!