Sunday, January 24, 2010



1.  Teeth Fall Out While on Stage Playing Chess Nude  Against The New England Patriots Cheerleaders

This dream is sometimes referred to as the "Opening Gambit" dream, because in certain versions, the cheerleaders open with the famous Albin Countergambit, where (3. dxe5 d4) in exchange for the gambit pawn. Black has a central wedge at d4 and gets some chances for an attack. Often White will try to return the pawn at an appropriate moment in order to gain a positional advantage. In the most common version, the cheerleaders have White begin the fight for the center by staking a claim to the d5 square from the wing, in approved hypermodern style. Thus, the appearance of the cheerleaders is a clear reference to the so-called "English Opening."

2.    Dreamer, Holding a Cocked Pistol,  Receives a Telegram from Mr. Leacock While Viewing a Private Performance of the Pussycat Dolls Singing "What's New Pussycat?" Dressed as "Pussy Galore" from the Bond Film "Goldfinger"
This is a subconscious illusion of literary grandeur. "Mr. Leacock" is clearly a reference to Stephen Leacock, a late 19th Century and early 20th Century Canadian humorist who is said to have been more famous than Canada itself in his day.  He influenced the likes of Ring Lardner and Groucho Marx. The appearances of "Pussy" and "Pussycat" represent the volume called "Nonsense Drolleries" by Edward Lear, whose short piece, "The Owl & The Pussy-Cat," must have been familiar to Leacock. 

3.    President Barack Obama Misses His Connecting Flight, and Air Force One Leaves Without Him, So He Walks Across Lake Michigan to Keep His Appointment with 12 Advisers, Including Paul Volker, for  an Important Meeting at the Peter Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Obama used to live in Chicago, so it's not surprising that Lake Michigan would show up. This is an anxiety dream about the abysmal state of service on most major American airlines. The dream's message is that for trips of 500 miles or fewer, it is probably better to drive, but a one-way rental should be considered.

4.    Deceased Relatives Come Over for Dinner and Complain About the Choice of Beverages

This is another anxiety dream.  It usually means that the household liquor cabinet is looking a tad threadbare.

5,    30,000 U.S. Troops Deploy to Afghanistan. Despite The Troops' Heroic Efforts, The Taliban Get Their Hands on a Nuclear Weapon Triggering a World-Wide Conflict.  In the Midst of the Chaos, the Library Delivers a Reminder of Overdue Books.
Again, an anxiety dream whose meaning is fairly obvious. In "night terror" versions, the notice is actually a threat of suspension of borrowing privileges.

6,    Dreamer Has a Conversation With a Talking Donkey and a Dead Fish Who Vow to "Avenge" the Results of the Massachusetts Special Senate Election.
Yet another anxiety dream. This time about the failure to pay attention to the "sell-by" dates of perishable supermarket items.

7.    Dreamer, Naked in the Subway, Waits for a "D" Train That Never Comes.
This dream is about the MBTA train schedule.

8.    Dreamer Goes back in Time and Meets the Chinese Classical Poet, Pincus "Ming" Mandelbaum

This is a dream about the importance of peanuts to the economy of the ante-bellum South. It's usually harmless and can be staved off with a glass of warm milk.

9. Dreamer Travels to Outer Space With a Spirit Guide and Views All the Planets in the Solar System (Except Pluto) Aligned and is Then Shown All the Ages of Human Civilization, and Is Then Given All the Answers to the Great Cosmic Questions, and is Filled With a Sense of Indescribable Well-Being and Serenity.
This is a variation of the MBTA train schedule dream.

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